Wednesday, March 7, 2007


Dale and I went to the Long Beach Play House with our neighbors across the street, Stacy and Trapper on Saturday the 3rd of March. It was a lot of fun, we went to a great Mediterranean restaurant in Belmont Shore, on 2nd Street, before the play, and then headed over, to the playhouse. We saw "Tracers" by James Scarborough.

I thought the play was very well done, the actors were top notch and it was directed very well, it was a great play. If I were to make any remarks on it's lacking, it would be a central cohesive plot to draw you in and take you through the play. It seemed to be a conglomeration of small scenes from Vietnam, and experiences from soldiers. It covered these in depth, emotional, physical, and left nothing out from drug use to suicide. It was quite intense at times. However, I was most curious in seeing this play with our neighbor Trapper who served in Vietnam. I wanted his opinion more than anything. After he stated that the play was good, but only one tenth as intense as the REAL Vietnam experience he had. Trapper said the language, and scenes and occurrences were all pretty much right to the point. It was great to see the play with him, and to be able to get these perspectives from him. It is always great to talk to Trapper about this subject, and he is not afraid to discuss. He calls it his therapy, and willingly talks about all aspects of the war. (yes his REAL name is Trapper)

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